

The Power of God's Word


Weekend in the Word

Join us to hear God’s powerful Word!

November 12-14


Jeremy Jones from Portage, Indiana

Looking for Reasons WHY?

lessons focusing on the


behind becoming a Christian

Friday, November 12 @ 7:00 pm

WHY do I matter?

Saturday, November 13 @ 7:00 pm

WHY should I believe the Bible?

Sunday, November 14 @ 9:30 am

WHY should I be baptized?

Sunday, November 14 @ 10:30 am

WHY did I become a Christian?

In 2011, I was blessed with an opportunity to bring the Gospel to the West African nation of Ghana. While visiting one church in a small rain forest village we noticed that very few of the Christians there had Bibles. We asked the adults to raise their hand if they owned a copy of the Scriptures, and, out of 70 adults, only 4 raised their hands!

   The Bible is a powerful book because it is the inspired Word of God (2 Tim. 3:16-17). The term “inspired” literally means, “God breathed.” The same God who spoke the universe into existence and breathed out the stars (Psalm 33:6) has spoken to us in His Word!

   In my experience in Ghana, we met people that were willing to sit under grass roofs on the ground for many hours just to hear more of the Bible being read. This is because they appreciated it for what it is…the Word of God!

   Sadly, the hunger for learning God’s Word that I saw in Ghana is not present in many American families. It has been estimated that between 85 and 90% of American households own a Bible, yet only 59% say they read it even occasionally! How sad that our Bibles often gather dust on shelves and coffee tables instead of being treated as the Words of God!

   May the following Words of the Psalmist be echoed in our own lives, “I have rejoiced in the way of Your testimonies as much as in all riches. I will meditate on Your precepts and regard Your ways. I shall delight in your statutes; I shall not forget Your Word” (Psalm 119:14-16).

   In this issue, we will discuss the power of the Word of God. Hopefully we will gain a better understanding and appreciation for our Bibles!

A Seed That Must Be Planted

Lately, we have had an extreme amount of rain.  Fortunately, we did not have this at planting time this season.  Some years it is so wet it is hard to get the seed into the ground.  One thing is for sure, if the seed never reaches the soil, then it cannot grow. A farmer may have the best seed possible, but it must go into the soil in order to produce a crop.

   In the Old Testament book of Haggai, God was punishing the people because of sin. God was punishing them by hurting their harvests. Many farmers had become so discouraged that they had not even planted the seed. Haggai asked them the question “Is the seed still in the barn?” (Hag. 2:19). He told them to plant or else it would never grow. In Jesus’ New Testament parables we see that the Word of God is described as the seed (Luke 8:11). Yet sadly many people never plant this seed, their seed is left in the barn (or on the shelf or coffee table)!

   God’s Word is perfect and has great power, but it can never be successful at changing our lives if we refuse to study it! Jesus described a type of person who heard God’s Word but refused to let it enter their heart as seeds that were on the road and snatched away by birds (Matt. 13:20). This would describe many who own a copy of the Bible and yet refuse to read it or let it grow in their hearts. Could this be said of us?

   God expects those who hear His Words to bring forth spiritual fruits (Gal. 5:22-25). Listening to Scripture and applying it is supposed to produce things like love, joy, and peace in our lives. If someone hears the Truth and yet never produces these things in their life, then it is proof that they have not been genuinely listening. Jesus tells us that we can distinguish a faithful believer from a fake one by the attitudes and actions that are produced in their life (Matt. 7:15-20).

   So, knowing these Bible verses, it is important to ask yourself a question: Am I planting the Word of God in my life by study and meditation on it? Am I letting the life-changing message of Jesus lead me to repent and change from past sins and failures in my life? Am I working to produce good behaviors, actions, speech, and thoughts because of my study of God’s Word? If not, why not?

   Paul writes to the Romans, “I am not ashamed of the Gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek” (Rom. 1:16). If the farmers can’t plant their seed, then they will suffer economic loss, but if we never plant the seed of the Word of God we will experience the loss of our souls!

   The church that assembles at Woodland Hills does not claim to be made up of perfect people, but we do claim that God’s Word is perfect. We strive to let God’s Word be the sole influence on our lives, our teachings, and our attitudes. We encourage you to study the Bible on your own and with other Bible students to see what it says. If you are interested in studying the Bible with others please use the contact info on the back of the bulletin. We would be more than willing to learn together. We should strive to follow the example of the noble brethren in the city of Berea and “search the Scriptures daily” (Acts 17:11).   

A House with a Strong Foundation

Heavy rain causes trouble for more than just farmers, too much rain too fast causes flooding.  Roads, fields, sidewalks, and yards become covered in standing water. Sometimes rain overflows streams and washes away cars, houses, and buildings as happened back in August in Waverly, TN when 17 inches came suddenly, killing 22 people.   If a building doesn’t have a strong foundation it will be lifted up and carried downstream. Jesus said that this same thing will happen to us spiritually!

   After speaking His sermon on the mount, Jesus said that whoever listened to His Words and did them was like a wise man that built his house on a foundation of bedrock. When the rains came, the floods rose, and the winds blew his house would not fall because it had a strong foundation. On the other hand, the one who didn’t act on Jesus’ Word would be like one who built his house on the sandy soil. This man wouldn’t fare well at all. When the floods came his house would be washed away! (Matt. 7:24-27). A strong foundation is important!

   Paul is very specific about what our foundation is supposed to be as Christians. “For no man can lay a foundation other than the one that has already been laid, which is Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 3:11). Jesus Christ is called the Word (John 1:1) and it is through Jesus that God has chosen to reveal His complete will for our lives (Hebrews 1:1-4). Jesus shows us how to love, teaches us how to submit, instructs us how to glorify God, and shows us how to be a force for good in the lives of others. How sad that many today look more to other humans as their guide. Jesus, His life, and His Word are the only things that are guaranteed to stand the test of time!

   Many people today build their spiritual life upon unsafe foundations. Just as sand is a bad foundation for a house, traditions and opinions of men, personal feelings, and popular sentiment all are changeable and uncertain from one day to the next. God’s word will endure forever (1 Pet. 1:25). The character of our Lord will not change (Heb. 13:8). When the storms of life come, and floods of uncertainty threaten your life, will the spiritual house that you have built stand? It is in the times of sickness, death, fear, temptation, and uncertainty that many people give up their faith altogether. They may have seemed like faithful believers, but they did not have their faith rooted and built up in Him (Col 2:6-7).

   How are you living your life? How much time do you spend in Bible Study? Are you basing your marriage, your job, your schooling, your friendships, and your entire life upon principles found in the Good Book? Peter tells us, “His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness” (2 Pet. 1:3). As much as you might accomplish in this earthly life, it will all be vain and meaningless if you have not sought to follow God’s teachings. “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?” (Mark 8:36). We encourage all to study their Bibles daily. If you are interested in studying with another or through the mail please contact us. Build your foundation on the solid rock of Jesus Christ!