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  Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
Getting to Know the Holy Spirit - Lesson 2 The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament (Prophecy) 07/13/22 Getting to Know the Holy Spirit - Lesson 2 The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament (Prophecy) Alan Jones Bible Class Getting to Know the Holy Spirit Wed PM Bible Study 07-13-22_Wednesday_PM_Class_Website.mp3
Working for the Lord 07/10/22 Working for the Lord Scott Hafer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 07-10-22_Sunday_AM_Website.mp3
Crucified WITH Christ 07/10/22 Crucified WITH Christ Taylor Ladd Remembering the Lord's Supper N/A Sunday AM Lord's Supper 07-10-22_Sunday_AM_Comm_Website.mp3
The Letter of Paul to the Romans: The Gospel Revels God's Righteousness (1:1-17) 07/10/22 The Letter of Paul to the Romans: The Gospel Revels God's Righteousness (1:1-17) Scott Hafer Bible Class A Letter of Paul to the Romans Sun AM Bible Study 07-10-22_Sunday_AM_Class_Website.mp3
Getting to Know the Holy Spirit - Lesson 1 - The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament 07/06/22 Getting to Know the Holy Spirit - Lesson 1 - The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament Alan Jones Bible Class Getting to Know the Holy Spirit Wed PM Bible Study 07-06-22_Wednesday_PM_Class_Website.mp3
"Elijah: Even Prophets Get Discouraged" 07/03/22 "Elijah: Even Prophets Get Discouraged" Taylor Ladd Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 07-03-22_Sunday_AM_Website.mp3
"God is With Us" 07/03/22 "God is With Us" Scott Hafer Remembering the Lord's Supper N/A Sunday AM Lord's Supper 07-03-22_Sunday_AM_Comm_Website.mp3
A Letter of Paul to the Romans - Lesson 1: Introduction & Overview 07/03/22 A Letter of Paul to the Romans - Lesson 1: Introduction & Overview Scott Hafer Bible Class A Letter of Paul to the Romans Sun AM Bible Study 07-03-22_Sunday_AM_Class_Website.mp3
A Disciplined Life: Lesson 12 - Celebration 06/29/22 A Disciplined Life: Lesson 12 - Celebration Scott Hafer Bible Class A Disciplined Life Wed PM Bible Study 06-29-22_Wednesday_PM_Class_Website.mp3
Weekend In The Word "Ready to Make a Defense"– Was Luke a Good Historian? 06/26/22 Weekend In The Word "Ready to Make a Defense"– Was Luke a Good Historian? Scott Smelser Sermon "Ready to Make a Defense" Sun AM Worship 06-26-22_Sunday_AM_Website.mp3
Remembering the Lord's Sacrifice for our Sins 06/26/22 Remembering the Lord's Sacrifice for our Sins Scott Smelser Remembering the Lord's Supper "Ready to Make a Defense" Sunday AM Lord's Supper 06-26-22_Sunday_AM_Comm_Website.mp3
Weekend in the Word - Has the Bible Text Been Lost? 06/26/22 Weekend in the Word - Has the Bible Text Been Lost? Scott Smelser Bible Class "Ready to Make a Defense" Sun AM Bible Study 06-26-22_Sunday_AM_Class_Website.mp3
Weekend In The Word - June 25th, 7 PM – Where Darwin Went Wrong 06/25/22 Weekend In The Word - June 25th, 7 PM – Where Darwin Went Wrong Scott Smelser Sermon "Ready to Make a Defense" Gospel Meeting PM 06-25-22_Saturday_PM_Website.mp3
"Ready to Make a Defense" - Seeing the Creator in Creation 06/24/22 "Ready to Make a Defense" - Seeing the Creator in Creation Scott Smelser Sermon "Ready to Make a Defense" Gospel Meeting PM 06-24-22_Friday_PM_Website.mp3
A Disciplined Life: Lesson 11 - Group Worship 06/22/22 A Disciplined Life: Lesson 11 - Group Worship Alan Jones Bible Class A Disciplined Life Wed PM Bible Study 06-22-22_Wednesday_PM_Website.mp3
Chased by Bees: Lessons from Israel's History 06/19/22 Chased by Bees: Lessons from Israel's History Rylan Arihood Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 06-19-22_Sunday_AM_Webite.mp3
Woman, Behold Your Son 06/19/22 Woman, Behold Your Son Scott Hafer Remembering the Lord's Supper N/A Sunday AM Lord's Supper 06-19-22_Sunday_AM_Comm_Website.mp3
Study of I and II Peter - II Peter - REVIEW 06/19/22 Study of I and II Peter - II Peter - REVIEW Jack Wiley Bible Class N/A Sun AM Bible Study 06-19-22_Sunday_AM_Class_Website.mp3
A Disciplined Life: Lesson 10 - Solitude 06/15/22 A Disciplined Life: Lesson 10 - Solitude Alan Jones Bible Class A Disciplined Life Wed PM Bible Study 06-15-22_Wednesday_PM_Class_Website.mp3
The Christian Family 06/12/22 The Christian Family Scott Hafer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 06-12-22_Sunday_AM_Website.mp3
The Blood That Speaks 06/12/22 The Blood That Speaks Taylor Ladd Remembering the Lord's Supper N/A Sunday AM Lord's Supper 06-12-22_Sunday_AM_Comm_Website.mp3
Study of I and II Peter - II Peter Chapter 3 06/12/22 Study of I and II Peter - II Peter Chapter 3 Taylor Ladd Bible Class N/A Sun AM Bible Study 06-12-22_Sunday_AM_Class_Website.mp3
A Disciplined Life: Lesson 9 - Listening 06/08/22 A Disciplined Life: Lesson 9 - Listening Chad Guyer Bible Class A Disciplined Life Wed PM Bible Study 06-08-22_Wednesday_PM_Class_Website.mp3
Facing Our Giants 06/05/22 Facing Our Giants Bruce Everett Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 06-05-22_Sunday_AM_Website.mp3
Christ, The Superior Priest 06/05/22 Christ, The Superior Priest Rylan Arihood Remembering the Lord's Supper N/A Sunday AM Lord's Supper 06-05-22_Sunday_AM_Comm_Website.mp3

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