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  Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
On Guard 02/11/24 On Guard Taylor Ladd Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 02-11-24_Sunday_AM_Website.mp3
Lamb of God: John 19:31-37 02/11/24 Lamb of God: John 19:31-37 Scott Hafer Remembering the Lord's Supper N/A Sunday AM Lord's Supper 02-11-24_Sunday_AM_Comm_Website.mp3
Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament - Lesson 6: Christ and Melchizedek 02/11/24 Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament - Lesson 6: Christ and Melchizedek Taylor Ladd Bible Class Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament Sun AM Bible Study 02-11-24_Sunday_AM_Class_Website.mp3
Preparing the next Generation - Lesson 6: 1 Timothy 6 - Topic: Managers and Money 02/07/24 Preparing the next Generation - Lesson 6: 1 Timothy 6 - Topic: Managers and Money Scott Hafer Bible Class Preparing the next Generation Wed PM Bible Study 02-07-24_Wednesday_PM_Class_Website.mp3
Truth 02/04/24 Truth Scott Hafer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 02-04-24_Sunday_AM_Website.mp3
What God Remembers 02/04/24 What God Remembers Taylor Ladd Remembering the Lord's Supper N/A Sunday AM Lord's Supper 02-04-24_Sunday_AM_Comm_Website.mp3
Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament - Lesson 5 : Christ and the Patriarchs 02/04/24 Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament - Lesson 5 : Christ and the Patriarchs Taylor Ladd Bible Class Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament Sun AM Bible Study 02-04-24_Sunday_AM_Class_Website.mp3
Preparing the next Generation - Lesson 5: I Timothy 5 - Topic: Honoring Widows and Elders 01/31/24 Preparing the next Generation - Lesson 5: I Timothy 5 - Topic: Honoring Widows and Elders Scott Hafer Bible Class Preparing the next Generation Wed PM Bible Study 01-31-24_Wednesday_PM_Class_Website.mp3
Prayer and Praise 01/28/24 Prayer and Praise Taylor Ladd Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 01-28-24_Sunday_AM_Website.mp3
Ten Thousand Angels 01/28/24 Ten Thousand Angels Scott Hafer Remembering the Lord's Supper N/A Sunday AM Lord's Supper 01-28-24_Sunday_AM_Comm_Website.mp3
Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament - Lesson 4: Christ and the Antediluvians 01/28/24 Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament - Lesson 4: Christ and the Antediluvians Taylor Ladd Bible Class Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament Sun AM Bible Study 01-28-24_Sunday_AM_Classs_Website.mp3
Preparing the next Generation - Lesson 4: I Timothy 4 - Topic: Sound Doctrine 01/24/24 Preparing the next Generation - Lesson 4: I Timothy 4 - Topic: Sound Doctrine Alan Jones Bible Class Preparing the next Generation Wed PM Bible Study 01-24-24_Wednesday_PM_Class_Website.mp3
More 01/21/24 More Scott Hafer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 01-21-24_Sunday_AM_Website.mp3
Supper for the Sorrowful 01/21/24 Supper for the Sorrowful Taylor Ladd Remembering the Lord's Supper N/A Sunday AM Lord's Supper 01-21-24_Sunday_AM_Comm_Website.mp3
Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament - Lessons 2 & 3: The Use of the Old Testament in Luke & Acts 01/21/24 Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament - Lessons 2 & 3: The Use of the Old Testament in Luke & Acts Taylor Ladd Bible Class Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament Sun AM Bible Study 01-21-24_Sunday_AM_Class_Website.mp3
Preparing the next Generation - Lesson 3: I Timothy 3 - Topic: Leadership Roles 01/17/24 Preparing the next Generation - Lesson 3: I Timothy 3 - Topic: Leadership Roles Scott Hafer Bible Class Preparing the next Generation Wed PM Bible Study 01-17-24_Wednesday_PM_Class_Website.mp3
Preparing the next Generation - Lesson 2: 1 Timothy 2 - Topic: Prayer and Worship 01/10/24 Preparing the next Generation - Lesson 2: 1 Timothy 2 - Topic: Prayer and Worship Scott Hafer Bible Class Preparing the next Generation Wed PM Bible Study 01-10-24_Wednesday_PM_Class_Website.mp3
Help Wanted 01/07/24 Help Wanted Scott Hafer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 01-07-24_Sunday_AM_Website.mp3
Faithful & Righteous 01/07/24 Faithful & Righteous Taylor Ladd Remembering the Lord's Supper N/A Sunday AM Lord's Supper 01-07-24_Sunday_AM_Comm_Website.mp3
Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament - Lesson 1: Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament 01/07/24 Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament - Lesson 1: Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament Taylor Ladd Bible Class Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament Sun AM Bible Study 01-07-24_Sunday_AM_Class_Website.mp3
Preparing the next Generation - Lesson 1: 1 Timothy 1 Topic: Preparing the next Generation 01/03/24 Preparing the next Generation - Lesson 1: 1 Timothy 1 Topic: Preparing the next Generation Scott Hafer Bible Class Preparing the next Generation Wed PM Bible Study 01-03-24_Wednesday_PM_Class_Website.mp3
Continuous Improvement 12/31/23 Continuous Improvement Tim Purdom Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 12-31-23_Sunday_AM_Website.mp3
"Bearing the Shame 12/31/23 "Bearing the Shame Scott Hafer Remembering the Lord's Supper N/A Sunday AM Lord's Supper 12-31-23_Sunday_AM_Comm_Website.mp3
THOUGHT LIFE 12/31/23 THOUGHT LIFE Scott Hafer Bible Class N/A Sun AM Bible Study 12-31-23_Sunday_AM_Class_Website.mp3
12 Choices - Life Changing Choices You Must Make: Choice # 12 Finish Strong, and Go to Heaven 12/27/23 12 Choices - Life Changing Choices You Must Make: Choice # 12 Finish Strong, and Go to Heaven Phil Oelfke Sermon 12 Choices - Life Changing Choices You Must Make Wed PM Bible Study 12-27-23_Wednesday_PM_Website.mp3

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