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  Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament - Lesson 13: Christ and Women In The Old Testament 03/31/24 Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament - Lesson 13: Christ and Women In The Old Testament Taylor Ladd Bible Class Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament Sun AM Bible Study 03-31-24_Sunday_AM_Class_Website.mp3
How We Dress: What Our Outsides Say About Our Insides 03/24/24 How We Dress: What Our Outsides Say About Our Insides Taylor Ladd Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 03-24-24_Sunday_AM_Website.mp3
We Overcome 03/24/24 We Overcome Scott Hafer Remembering the Lord's Supper N/A Sunday AM Lord's Supper 03-24-24_Sunday_AM_Comm_Website.mp3
Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament - Lesson 12: Christ and Zerubbabel and Joshua 03/24/24 Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament - Lesson 12: Christ and Zerubbabel and Joshua Taylor Ladd Bible Class Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament Sun AM Bible Study 03-24-24_Sunday_AM_Class_Website.mp3
Preparing the next Generation - Lesson 13 - Titus 3 - Topic: Grace 03/20/24 Preparing the next Generation - Lesson 13 - Titus 3 - Topic: Grace Scott Hafer Bible Class Preparing the next Generation Wed PM Bible Study 03-20-24_Wednesday_PM_Class_Website.mp3
Applications from II Samuel 24 03/17/24 Applications from II Samuel 24 Jack Wiley Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 03-17-24_Sunday_AM_Website.mp3
When I Survey the Wondrous Cross 03/17/24 When I Survey the Wondrous Cross Alan Jones Remembering the Lord's Supper N/A Sunday AM Lord's Supper 03-17-24_Sunday_AM_Comm_Website.mp3
Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament - Lesson 11: Christ and the Prophets 03/17/24 Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament - Lesson 11: Christ and the Prophets Bruce Everett Bible Class Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament Sun AM Bible Study 03-17-24_Sunday_AM_Class_Website.mp3
Preparing the next Generation - Lesson 12 - Titus 2 - Topic: Sound Doctrine 03/13/24 Preparing the next Generation - Lesson 12 - Titus 2 - Topic: Sound Doctrine Scott Hafer Bible Class Preparing the next Generation Wed PM Bible Study 03-13-24_Wednesday_PM_Class_Website.mp3
Invisible 03/10/24 Invisible Taylor Ladd Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 03-10-24_Sunday_AM_Website.mp3
Our Blessed Hope 03/10/24 Our Blessed Hope Scott Hafer Remembering the Lord's Supper N/A Sunday AM Lord's Supper 03-10-24_Sunday_AM_Comm_Website.mp3
Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament - Lesson 10: Christ and Wisdom 03/10/24 Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament - Lesson 10: Christ and Wisdom Taylor Ladd Bible Class Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament Sun AM Bible Study 03-10-24_Sunday_AM_Class_Website.mp3
Preparing the next Generation - Lesson 11 - Titus 1 - Topic: Elders 03/06/24 Preparing the next Generation - Lesson 11 - Titus 1 - Topic: Elders Scott Hafer Bible Class Preparing the next Generation Wed PM Bible Study 03-06-24_Wednesday_PM_Class_Website.mp3
"Baptism" How does one become a Christian? 03/03/24 "Baptism" How does one become a Christian? Scott Hafer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 03-03-24_Sunday_AM_Website.mp3
Bruised Reeds 03/03/24 Bruised Reeds Taylor Ladd Remembering the Lord's Supper N/A Sunday AM Lord's Supper 03-03-24_Sunday_AM_Comm_Website.mp3
Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament - Lesson 9: Christ and David 03/03/24 Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament - Lesson 9: Christ and David Taylor Ladd Bible Class Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament Sun AM Bible Study 03-03-24_Sunday_AM_Class_Website.mp3
Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament - Lesson 9: Christ and David 02/28/24 Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament - Lesson 9: Christ and David Scott Hafer Bible Class Preparing the next Generation Wednesday Bible Study 02-28-24_Wednesday_PM_Class_Website.mp3
God's Choice and Our Free Will 02/25/24 God's Choice and Our Free Will Taylor Ladd Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 02-25-24_Sunday_AM_Website.mp3
Communion with the King 02/25/24 Communion with the King Scott Hafer Remembering the Lord's Supper N/A Sunday AM Lord's Supper 02-25-24_Sunday_AM_Comm_Website.mp3
Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament - Lesson 8: Christ and Joshua and Samuel 02/25/24 Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament - Lesson 8: Christ and Joshua and Samuel Taylor Ladd Bible Class Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament Sun AM Bible Study 02-25-24_Sunday_AM_Class_Website.mp3
Preparing the next Generation - Lesson 9 - 2 Timothy 3 - Topic: Preparing for the Inevitable 02/21/24 Preparing the next Generation - Lesson 9 - 2 Timothy 3 - Topic: Preparing for the Inevitable Scott Hafer Bible Class Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament Wed PM Bible Study 02-21-24_Wednesday_PM_Class_Website.mp3
Psalm 46 02/18/24 Psalm 46 Scott Hafer Sermon N/A Sun AM Worship 02-18-24_Sunday_AM_Website.mp3
The Cross & Life's Big Questions 02/18/24 The Cross & Life's Big Questions Taylor Ladd Remembering the Lord's Supper N/A Sunday AM Lord's Supper 02-18-24_Sunday_AM_Comm_Website.mp3
Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament - Lesson 7: Christ and Moses 02/18/24 Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament - Lesson 7: Christ and Moses Taylor Ladd Bible Class Seeing Jesus In The Old Testament Sun AM Bible Study 02-18-24_Sunday_AM_Class_Website.mp3
Preparing the next Generation - Lesson 7-8, II Timothy 1 & 2 Rekindling the Fire/Useful to the Lord 02/14/24 Preparing the next Generation - Lesson 7-8, II Timothy 1 & 2 Rekindling the Fire/Useful to the Lord Scott Hafer Bible Class Preparing the next Generation Wed PM Bible Study 02-14-24_Wednesday_PM_Class_Website.mp3

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